glad you asked.
George Bennett - Owner/Pretty Cool Guy
As a serial entrepreneur, George may be better known for some of his more financially successful endeavors - but his support of Royal Chappy still remains a proud achievement. George has built many businesses from the ground up with enormous returns for his efforts - bringing a strong West Virginia work ethic and resourcefulness to every table at which he sits. As the owner of RACL, George applies these skills for certain, but musters an extra cache of patience to carry the Links through this past decade. However, without an unparalleled love and respect for Chappy, all of George’s attributes might be wasted, as RACL is most greatly sustained through his passion and fondness for this place he calls home.
Mimi Bennett - Owner/Enthusiastic Suspender of Disbelief
Mimi serves as RACL’s petite-sized t shirt model, official entrant into all running competitions, stylist and tolerator of lost cash. Suspending reason, Mimi also serves as a huge supporter of the Links - allowing most practical concerns to casually walk out the door as she cheers on whatever success the golf course manages to manufacture. She is also the proud mother to two beautiful children: Arnold and Eloise - her beloved pugs. She is also fond of her adult human children Amory and Camilla (who also contribute greatly to the friendly and accommodating vibe of Royal Chappy).
BRAD WOODGER - Manager/Superintendent/Tired
If something goes wrong at RACL you can be sure it was Brad’s fault. Greens are hairy? Brad. Didn’t get your package until the following year? Brad. No water in the fridge? Brad. But he tries. A great-grandson of the original owner, Frank Marshall, Brad leverages this relation - name-dropping whenever customers question the legitimacy of his authority (just because his clothes are dirty doesn’t mean he doesn’t care!). Due to his uncanny resemblance to Klaus Kinski’s Nosferatu, Brad shuns the spotlight…he is almost painfully shy (though he will not hesitate to tell you that he is a 17-time recipient of the prestigious ‘Employee of the Month’ award).
CHRIS KENNEDY - General Manager/Executive Vice President of Hair
Chris and his hair bring their considerable talents to The RACL for the fifth year. Chris handles his duties with grace and aplomb (and sometimes a prune). Don’t let Chris’ gentle demeanor fool you though - he runs the Crow Bar with a firm hand! Chris don’t take no guff...but he will take American Express! Chris is also a 2-time winner of Employee of the Month…but before you get too excited, please remember that Brad has won this award 732 times already.
The only child of Brad, Etienne gets his picture here because that’s what people do when they think their kid is cute. Be thankful that Brad’s cats aren’t here as well.